Archive for 'Pipeline'

Peruvian Southern Gas Pipeline suffers another setback

US energy giant Sempra informed its partners in the Southern Gas Pipeline Project that it will not proceed with the purchase of shares of the Peruvian Odebrecht Group. Junior partners Grana y Montero of Peru and Spanish energy company Enagas SA are now left looking for alternatives. The Southern Gas Pipeline is part of a larger project to develop power generation and distribution in the country. Peru is the only sustainable source of natural gas in the South American Pacific ...

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Saudi bank to fund TAPI pipeline project

Saudi Arabia-based Islamic Development Bank (IDB) has agreed to provide a $500 million loan to finance part of the $15 billion Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) natural gas pipeline project. The IDB expressed interest in financing the project not just on Turkmenistan’s territory but also in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The TAPI Pipeline Company is also in talks with the Saudi Fund for Development and the Japanese government to invest in the 1,814km project that will transport gas from Turkmenistan’s Galkynysh fields to Fazilka ...

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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will approve two massive oil pipelines

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has given the green light to two controversial oil pipelines as being in « the best interest of Canada. » Native Indians as well as environmental groups were critical of the proposed expansion and said they would do all they could to stop it. One of the pipelines would replace an existing system known as Line 3. This runs from Alberta delivering crude to the United States. The other would expand the Trans Mountain Pipeline running from ...

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Swedes block Russian pipeline project

Plans to lease a port on the Swedish island of Gotland to a Russian-backed gas pipeline project are set to be cancelled over security fears. Ministers and military leaders in Sweden leaned on the council of the Baltic Sea island at a crisis meeting on Tuesday over the application by the Nord Stream 2 consortium. The government has been alarmed by increasing Russian air and sea activity and in September installed a garrison of 150 troops on Gotland, which was ...

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Spectra Energy nears completion of natural gas pipeline project in New England

Spectra Energy Corp. is nearing completion of its $972 million Algonquin Incremental Market (AIM) pipeline project, which will transport natural gas to the New England region in time for an anticipated increase in winter demand. The AIM project is the largest pipeline project since 2007 to transport natural gas into New England from outside the region, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The pipeline will provide an extra 342 million cubic feet per day of pipeline capacity to the ...

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Bulgaria and Romania take another step toward energy independence

Southeastern European countries Romania and Bulgaria have contracted with Habua, an Austrian construction company, to complete the remaining 2.1 km section of the gas interconnector for a cost of 4.577 million euros. The gas link between the Bulgarian city of Ruse and Giurgiu in Romania has a total length of 25 km, 15.4 km of which are in Bulgaria. The rest is in Romania, including the 2.1 km crossing under the Danube. The pipeline will have a maximum transport capacity ...

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Uganda names Sinopec among firms interested in refinery

The East African country, which discovered oil fields in 2006 but has yet to start production, began trying to secure a private investor for the project nearly two years ago, but a previous tendering process collapsed earlier this year. Energy and Mineral Development Minister Irene Muloni told an oil conference in Kampala that some new firms had expressed interest in the project and that fresh talks were underway. « There are a number of companies that have expressed interest ...

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Trudeau clears path for Canada to approve Kinder Morgan Pipeline

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has set the table for Canada to approve

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