Archive for 'Oil and gas'

U.S. Congress Kills US Oil Export Ban

The U.S. Congress voted last week to repeal the 40-year-old ban on exporting U.S. crude oil in an energy policy shift sought by Republicans as part of a bipartisan deal that also provided unprecedented tax incentives for wind and solar power. The Senate, on a 65-33 vote, passed a $1.1 trillion government spending bill that included the measure to lift the export ban and provide five-year extensions of tax breaks to boost development of renewable energy. Earlier in the ...

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U.S. on verge of lifting 40-year oil export ban

According to Reuters, the United States appears on the brink of ending a four-decade ban on most exports of crude oil, which would end a years-long fight brought about by a boom in domestic shale output that contributed to a supply glut and depressed prices. The measure is part of a sprawling deal wrapped up by congressional leaders late on Tuesday to keep the U.S. government open through September. The $1.15 trillion spending bill, negotiated in secret talks over ...

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Iran and Belgium are planning to have a FLNG vessel at Iran

« The Belgian side can bring FLNG vessels to Kharg so that Iran can produce LNG there for the first time provided both sides show flexibility and the technical and economic negotiations bear fruit in not a long period, » Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh said Monday after meeting with visiting Belgian Secretary of State for Foreign Trade Pieter de Crem, reported state owned Shana News. With sanctions of Iran expected to be lifted soon, Tehran is looking to emerge as ...

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Eni sells Saipem stake


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Israel and Cyprus in disagreement over Aphrodite gas field

A disagreement between Israel and Cyprus over development of the Aphrodite gas reservoir is delaying the signing of a unitization agreement between the countries, designed to arrange the development of oil and natural gas reservoirs shared by the two countries and other cooperative energy efforts. Sources inform « Globes » that Minister of National Infrastructure, Energy, and Water Resources Yuval Steinitz, who was invited to Cyprus to discuss the promotion of joint projects for building a shared pipeline for exporting natural gas ...

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Alaska fears fallout of Shell’s Arctic drilling decision

Royal Dutch Shell’s dry hole in the Chukchi Sea may be disappointing to shareholders, but it’s potentially devastating to Alaska. The company’s decision to end

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TransCanada plans to cut 20% of senior management

Grappling with continuing low oil prices, TransCanada Corp. plans to eliminate 20% of the company

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ENI discovers a giant gas field in Egyptian waters

ENI announced a giant discovery off Egypt

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